First, check if your sexual relationship affects your attitude. When she is with friends or strangers, be aware of the topics you discuss and how she behaves about such things. If most of your friends are single, this can be one of the problems.
Imagine an individual friend and wife full of sexual relations with cheating. Just talking about sexual relationships and connections, about a guy who was good at passing by chic cars on the street. Recognize that your problems will interfere with your wife; you are a man with a sexual relationship, and you must have such an attitude. Start with factors that can increase security, and not only exist, talk to her more about the issues, but also see them as a trusted friend who can count on good times and bad times, listen to your partner, and practice It’s the art of things.
Main reasons for sexual relationships
Many women complain that their sexual relationships with their husbands have cooled down over time and no longer subsided in their sexual relationships.
Carefully assess whether or not you will not pass the above sexual relationship and try to be more careful about your needs. Love.
Try to recognize whether your uncertainty is related to sexual relations. Localxlist often increase slightly over time, but this affects women emotionally. Ask your wife, compliment her, boost your ego, and show her you love her as much as she does.
Pay attention to your needs and more sexual relationships, tell her about why you fell in love with her, and show that her feelings exist; she feels loved the same; she shows her that she thinks she is beautiful, hot, and sexy.
They have their own life, create robes, create sexual relationships, have more contact with friends and family, space for them to discover new things, give them the freedom they want, and many other sexes Create a relationship, become a patient, become a patient, be flexible, and don’t try to provoke there.